AOP Implement in .NET

AOP Implement in .NET

Posted by Kuo on June 4, 2019

In computing, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns.

In Java’s world, AOP is a very popular concept and AspectJ is kind of de facto standards while PostSharp is the de facto standards in .NET’s world. However PostSharp is not free and heavy, so a lot of devleopers like me are seeking for framework. I came across a simple and clean one today MrAdvice

The minimal sample from its homepage

public class MyProudAdvice : Attribute, IMethodAdvice
    public void Advise(MethodAdviceContext context)
        // do things you want here
        context.Proceed(); // this calls the original method
        // do other things here

then just need to mark the method(s) with the attribute and that’s it, your aspect is injected!

public void MyProudMethod()

I tested on my pc, it works. A simple and clear AOP framework just gets less than 200 stars! I just have a research on this framework to know how it works. Here’s the source code overview. MrAdvice.Weaver is an executable and add a build task into target project. MrAdvice take advantage of dnlib to Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, so the injection happens at compile time.

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